Design 104

Practical Furniture Design – From Ideas to Reality

Length: 9 weeks
Price: $495
Prerequisite: 103

Saturdays, Oct 12 – Dec 14, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM

In this class you will learn how to turn your furniture ideas into furniture realties. Focusing on a project of your choosing (within your skillset), you’ll sketch ideas, create plans, and start to build from them. The class will explore the choices that make any kind of furniture successful,
from good proportions and ergonomics, to best joinery, wood choices, and good looks. You’ll
learn a full range of strategies and solutions to:
● Design an object to look good and work well
● Choose materials and hardware
● Choose from joinery, construction and finish options
● Sketch and draw scale, and full-size drawings (in a CAD program or on a drafting table)
● Create a cut list and a lumberyard list
● Plan the making process (what gets done first and last)
● Remainder of classes can be used to start your project

October 12 – December 14, 2024

Time/Day – Fall